Children: Peter denies Jesus (Mark 14:66-72)

We have met Peter, one of the twelve disciples, in our earlier stories this term. In this story Peter makes a big mistake, but Jesus offers him forgiveness.


You can read the story of Peter denying Jesus in Mark 14:66-72. This story takes place just after Jesus is arrested. You can also enjoy this animated retelling from Saddleback Kids here.


  1. When asked if he knew Jesus, what did Peter say?

  2. Why do you think Peter denied knowing Jesus?

  3. How did Peter feel when he heard the rooster crow?


Peter made a mistake, but Jesus forgave him. Peter went on to spend his whole life telling people about Jesus because he realised that being friends with Jesus was the most important thing. You can explore the story further by having a go at this wordsearch or this tricky word puzzle.

We too can be friends with Jesus. We know that he forgives us when we make mistakes too. To help you remember this wonderful truth why not try this easy rooster craft. If you have a paper bag at home, you could make a rooster puppet instead.


This story reminds us to thank Jesus for his forgiveness, and to be bold in telling others that we are his friend (which can be scary to do sometimes!) Why don’t you try and think of someone you would like to share Jesus with and write their name on a piece of paper. Stick the piece of paper somewhere you look everyday, like a door or mirror, and when you see it you can remember to pray for them.


Here are two new songs to listen to and enjoy. Hopefully you can sing along too! The first is called ‘Everybody, Everywhere’ and the second, ‘Peace like a river.’.